6. Quantumleaper

welcome to the experiment

Finding a
will require
nothing but the


The world of subatomic particles follows rules that are quite different from the ones of our everyday life. Probabilities play a role in every outcome and certainties cease to exist.

In the quantum realm, an entity can be in a superposition of states, being capable of multiple configurations at once. A property that allows a particle to be in two places at the same time - as long as you don't try to observe it.

This probabilistic nature also means that a particle is never at a definite position and has a chance of being anywhere, even if it's a very small chance, making it possible that it suddenly tunnels through a solid barrier as if nothing was there.

Under some exceptional circumstances, particles can become entangled. Their states become deeply linked and, upon observing one, the state of the other is instantly defined.

None of this applies to the macroscopic world, though. Cellphones don't cross the floor when they are dropped, your lost keys are (most likely) in a single place and each cat is either dead or alive, not both.

But what if those restrictions were lifted?

Quantumleaper bends the rules of physics, introducing mechanics inspired by quantum theory so that players can leap from one place to another, follow more than one path and solve puzzles that defy human intuition.

As Alexander Schrödinger, you will start a journey through the experiment solving puzzles and breaking automatons across several different levels using your quantum abilities and a variety of items.

Search for clues to understand what is the goal of the experiment and find a way out!

This game's engine was written from scratch with pure DirectX 11 and doesn't rely on other third party libraries. Its being improved since its release in 2019 to guarantee a constant frame rate (1080p@60fps even on low-end machines) and better graphics with each iteration. You can expect a fluid experience with high performance and stability.

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